My son sent this article yesterday. The two year old Bengal tiger, spent 24 hours at the top of a 15 ft. tower. Read further:
A Bengal tiger has become stuck at the top of a new 15ft (5m) activity tower at a North Somerset zoo after climbing it for the first time.
Two-year-old Tanvir has spent 24 hours on the "enrichment" tower at Noah's Ark Zoo Farm in Wraxall.He took a few seconds to scale the tower, which has branch-like platforms designed to test his ingenuity.
But the zoo said after shinning up the exercise structure on Monday, he has become too frightened to come down.
Our cats and dogs, too were behaving like this.

The black cat is our house cat, Zorro, when he was young. The other one's name is Gundanna! My cousin's daughter (2 year old!) changed his name from 'Gunda' to 'Gundanna'. We were happy with one cat, our Zorro and did not want too many cats inside our house. So this fellow used to sit on the service veranda, eat and go. Sometimes he used to sit and tolerate Zorro, playing with his tail! He was always scared about even a small sound. Used to get gashes in his face from other cats. If some other cat chased him, he used to run up the Teak tree and wail. We used to stand on the parapet wall of our terrace, hold a stick for him, touching the tree and cajole him to come down. He used to be so scared that he was peeing and shitting with fear!

This kitten, Nero is Zorro's son! He was very very playful. This one also playfully went up the teak tree one night and it was raining heavily. The mother was calling him from our veranda for sometime and then came inside and was telling us something. We went behind her and saw Nero on the teak tree. My husband went up a ladder and took him out. Next second, this fellow came down running into the veranda and sitting near his mother, was watching Appa (my husband), climbing down the ladder slowly in the pouring rain!
Two days later, he was calling us for help from the next door neighbour's house, at 10 in the night. He had gone up the roof top of their shed and did not know to come down! Appa, again took the ladder, woke up the neighbour and brought him down!

Andy was our first pet! A long post is getting ready about him! He too was getting scared for small small things. In our previous house, we had an iron ladder to go to the terrace. He used to come (run) with me to the terrace easily. But he never came down on his own, even once...he was so scared that he was asking me in so many sounds to carry him down and I was obeying him, always!
So, now we know that cats, dogs and TIGERS are the same!
Such a sweet sweet post! Oh, the Appa is a regular rescuer it seems! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. We once had old type of wooden staircase to the first floor, but refused to come down on her own. She would bark and yelp to get our attention to bring her back to the ground floor! Not so the present spitz. She climbs up and down easily. But now she is old, she sometimes barks for us to go get her.
I have written quite a few posts about my cats and dogs. you will find them in my archives. Here is one which you might like. It is about Goofy and her heart throb, the Labrador next door:
Waiting for the post about your dog that is getting ready! :)
We once had a dog who would climb the old type pf wooden staircase to the first floor*
This is how the sentence should read in the above comment! :P
Such a sweet post :) Loved it so much :)
Gundanna - nice homely name :P
Nero is so naughty no .. njoyed his antics :) So, he called out to u @ night - ha ha ha :)
Andy is very very cute :)
Very very interesting...
I never had a pet animal in my home... now love to have a cat... :)
but I think dog is different from cat and tiger in many aspects....
but here they go hand in hand....
sweet post... :)
waiting to hear about Andy :)
Very nice! Your pets have something in common with a tiger, it seems!
The pictures are lovely- particularly the one of the kitten stuck in the tree!
I will call it a very cute post...i love the Desi name Gunda(+nna)...Zorro,Nero are great names too.The picture where he climbed up is a nice one..good thing that you captured the moment.Appa the great rescuer...kudos to him.
We have a Labrador but he loves to sleep all the time,too lazy to climb anywhere..But he is a great barker..keeps all kinds of sales person away from our home...hee.
Shail: I will definitely read them. I love reading about cats and dogs.
Swaram: Gundanna is a saadhu maharaj cat. He used to shiver if I tried to lift him up!
kanagu: My husband used to run away, if he saw a cat coming near him, some years back. Now, our cats have become pampered brats, because of him! Have one and enjoy him by obeying his orders!
Manju: More pictures are coming of Nero! He was the naughtiest cat, we ever had!
Kavita: Labradors are the best dogs, I feel. My sis-in-law's son had one and he used to stay in our house, when the family went out. He used to love A/C rooms! They tend to sleep a lot, when they get old. By then, they become our family member and we are used to them!
Lovely post... !! the tiger sure had me worried... !! thank god he is safe... !!
So sweet,ur cat is very naughty.Loved the way u wrote about the cats.
I never had a pet at home,my m-law has a big dog and i wont go to there house until it is tied at the back yard.
hitchwriter: Look at his face...poor guy! Fear is written on his face!
varunavi: Huge dogs esp. are very soft-natured, Saritha!!
Aww.. so sweet. Gundanna is a cute name. Cats, Dogs, Tigers.. all animals understand the language of love.
BTW Sandhya, I was glad to see this post updated on time on my reader. :)
I loved this post! You started with Tanvir, he is such a cute looking thing!!! I feel bad for him, I hope he manages to get down comfortably and soon enough!
And your adorable cats!! Cats are so much like babies in the way they trust us, I am so glad your cats have you!! And how adorable is climbing up but never coming down on their own!!! :)
We have had such experiences too... our cat Sher Khan, is petrified of everything even flying plastic bags :)
Loved the photographs!!
A cat called Gunda!!! Love that name :)
thanks S
Very sweet post Sandhya.
And I feel even babies are the same. When my younger daughter was nine months old, she learned to crawl up the stairs. Once she reached the top, she was petrified of coming down and I had to go up to bring her back. I was so paranoid of her falling down the stairs that I finally installed a barricade.
Solilo: He was a fat cat, so we called him Gunda (Fatty, in Kannada!). Praapti, my niece, called her Gundanna! Everyone seems to like that name!
We gave some of the kittens for adoption and kept one in one batch of 3. Zorro's first wife,Ammaakkaari delivered twice - 3 black vevetty kittens! They had bushy tails also. They used to roam around after they grew up a bit. Somebody must have taken them, because they were so soft and beautiful. We gave off some, for adoption. Now, we have got only Zorro. He is after one white and brown cat, now. He might bring her in, one of these days! She IS pregnant now! We were finding it difficult with so many cats and sent Ammaakkaari to our friend's place! They are crazy about cats, more than us! Though it was fun to play with the kittens, it was not easy also, to look for houses for them!
Your 26th Sept. post is still in my 'blogs I follow' list! I don't know when 'Rudaali' post is going to be here! Whether it is early or late, I am happy to see your comments here, Solilo! Thank you!
IHM: I love the name Sher Khan, IHM! Very apt name for a cat! I love your labrador also, his photo is still in front of my eyes!
Before Zorro, we had one black cat, with a white patch under her belly and was called 'Koyla'. I will write about her too, sometime later!
Aparna: Mothers are mothers, Aparna. Every mother is careful about her babies. I have seen this with cats. And in Discovery and National Geographic channels too! It is amazing!
I never had a pet in my home...
Nice to know abt u...
nice blog :D
expressionsunbound: Welcome here! Thank you. You can have a pet even now!!
I like the picture of the cat in the coconut tree!
Nice post. Cute pictures.
Radha: Yes, Nero was a hyperactive kitten. He loved to climb the trees and peep down from there!
SG: Thank you, SG!
what a sweet post,Sandhya!I loved your pets' names!
I was thinking the other day, why none of us (my family, relatives etc) ever had a pet! I have not seen one even in any distant relatives house! Strange, this. It is always good to have a sense of community and family towards pet animals, I guess. Good to read all this.
Destination Infinity
Deeps: Thank you.
Destination Infinity: Both sides of my family, love animals/pets. When I was small, a cow used to come to our door and peep in everyday,you won't believe, at sharp 8.05 am. My mother used to collect vegetable waste, cooked rice water (we did not use cooker, in those days) and whatever remains of the food, in one bucket. This cow used to drink everything and leave with a loud snort! All of us (5 children!) used to watch it everyday!
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