I had been hearing so many weird things/news about yesterday's Super moon...Japan's tsunami-like disasters will happen here in India too, was one! But all of us are sleeping, eating and watching TV as usual!
Google search showed some beautiful extra-ordinary pictures but my photo which was taken at around 9 pm, last night, shows, a very normal moon!
Beautiful Super moon picture from 'The Hindu'

The Hindu article says, 'The phenomenon was special, as the moon came closest to the earth in 18 years, becoming the biggest and brightest full moon of the year. The moon was around 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than the other full moons, Nehru Planetarium Director N. Rathnasree said.
“The ‘supermoon' is the biggest and brightest of 2011,” C.B. Devgun, director of the Science Popularisation Association of Communicators and Educators (SPACE), told PTI.
The moon was only 3,56,577 km away. The phenomenon occurred in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005.
Now, to other interesting videos and pictures of the Super moon:

The moon as seen from the end of Worthing Pier in Sussex, looking east towards Beachy Head
Yes, the disaster stories do seem to have come to an end with everybody excitedly taking photographs!
Loved your informative post!
I too agree on the info part...interesting na....and lovely pics. :) :)
Lovely pictures. And disaster stories who cares I already got my bucket list ready he he he
We had so much cloud. So did not matter if near or far..
IHM: Thank you, IHM!
UmaS: Thank you, to you too, Uma!
Bikram: I read half of your 'bucket list' and went out! Now, will read the rest and thank you!
the moon looked beautiful yesterday and you should have watched it around 6... it was really big and beautiful :)
Loved the pic from Sussex :)
The mon I saw looked like the one from The Hindu :)
The pictures are beautiful
Is the sussex one real or some photographic effects been used on it? Dark yellow looks out of the normal. The hindu photo looks more possible, didn't know this yesterday or I could have taken a photo from here as well :)
Destination Infinity
Very beautiful pictures and so true.
Great pics!
The moon DID look yellow yesterday. Thought nothing of it though, except that it was beautiful! :)
P.S I am not able to view the Tom & Jerry video!!! :(
Kanagu: I never thought of watching the moon so early, so missed it!
Yes, thank you!
Shail: Thank you!
Destination Infinity: I saw many yellow moon pictures in the internet...it is a natural one, I feel!
Everybody was talking about this 'super moon' for a long time now and had been predicting disasters to our earth on that day!!
BK Chowla: Yes, Chowlaji and thank you!
Ashwini: When I saw the moon, it was normal!
Watch the video at home, it is quite interesting, I feel! Though the very interesting part was over when I took out the phone and went there!
Lovely pics. Thanks for sharing :)
Disasters are man made.But the moon, oceans, etc are blamed. Well, someone got to be the scapegoat you see ;)
... And astrologers, sundry gurus, etc have a field day... preying on people's ignorance and exploiting the darkness of our minds.
I think city pollution did affect the beauty of the moon. It must have looked amazing in a rural setting.
Roshmi Sinha: What you say is right, Roshmi! Japan is earthquake prone area and they are particular to build buildings with amenities to protect it in case of an earthquake. But why did they build the nuclear plant in their country, I wonder!
Some of my relatives were talking about the disasters for a long time now! The temples did some extra pooja also, I believe!
Radha: That was the reason I thought, the moon at Sussex was a natural one.
The moon was oh-so-beautiful indeed :)
Thanks for sharing all the interesting information Sandhya :)
I have a different opinion about it. Super moon was brighter and bigger than normal, this change was clearly visible with naked eye.
Thats what I observed.
Thanks for sharing informative post and lovely pics. :)
Swaram: Thank you, Swaram!
Chandrikashubham: Kanagu also says here that it was bigger at 6 pm. When I saw at 9 pm, it was not that big, Chandrika! IHM's picture also shows a bigger moon!
I saw the moon on the day and found nothing special... :| lol but your post suddenly makes it all a lot more interesting !
pictures are beautiful!!!
hitchwriter: I was looking at the moon often but didn't see anything unusual! Then saw IHM's photos and the one in The Hindu and knew that it was different and so the post!
Thanks and welcome back!
Renu: Thank you, Renu!
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