This is our Saadhu Maharaj, Zorro!
Our family's first cat was Koyla (she was a black cat!), who came home on a rainy day! She was with us and entertained us for around 3 years and then fell into our neighbour's well and died. Her story will come later! Everyone knew how she was pampered at our home. After she died, a person who knew how much we missed her, presented us with another black kitten! He was named 'Zorro' by my son!
He was a tiny skinny kitten, very scared about any moving thing. My husband started feeding him so much that he was bored to - forget about running - even move himself. He loved to sit on my lap and if I lifted and cuddled him, talked to him, he used to touch my cheek with his hand, with a happy, small meeyaav sound! In the beginning, he used to open our bedroom door at night, by jumping on the handle, come inside and sleep with us! Slowly, we changed that habit by locking the door and he stopped waking us up at night!
He comes home often with wounds on his face (it looks a bit distorted now with all the war-wounds he had with other male/female cats!) and my husband promptly applies 'Nebasulf' powder on them!
Two years back, we had gone on a holiday tour for around 3 weeks. My son said that whenever he came home, he saw Zorro sleeping on the diwan and another black cat, which we had seen roaming in our backyard sometimes (we had misunderstood it to be his kitten because she was black and small made!), lying on the sofa set or sometimes on the diwan! Both of them must have come in through the netlon window. After we came back, she did not come inside but was visible in our back yard. Then we saw her bulging tummy and one day she came inside through our window with her kittens (carrying one by one with her mouth) and settled down at home with her husband!
This is Ammaakkaari, who invaded our house with her (and Zorro's?!) kittens!
We called her Zorrotti in the beginning (Zorro's kutti) and then changed it to Ammaakkaari after she came home with her kittens! She was a very smart cat. She delivered for the second time in the wardrobe in my son's room upstairs, where we kept old bedsheets. 3 black rat-like kittens. After maybe two or three days, one day she came down the stairs, making some weird sound as if she was trying to convey something to my husband. My husband was looking at her, not knowing what to do. She just started going back up on the stairs, looking back at him. My husband and I followed her. She went and stood in front of the wardrobe. I bent and checked the kittens. One was missing. When I searched for it, I found it under the 3 bedsheets' bundle! I took it out and showed it to her and she was so happy! I could sense it. She just sat with all the three kittens, licking them and feeding them. Who said that the animals don't talk...Ammaakkaari did talk!
This is Ammaakkaari with Zorro, at our backyard!
The above photograph was taken, after her first batch of 3 kittens were almost 2 months old! I had seen a tigress lying down like this in front of a tiger, in a programme in Animal Planet. Ammakkaari was rolling on her back on the ground. Zorro was just watching her!
She delivered twice - 3 black velvet bundles each time and we distributed them to our friends and relatives after the kittens were 2 months old. Kept Nero from the first batch and ET, from the second batch. But they went missing after sometime. They were beautiful black velvet kittens with fluffy tails. Somebody must have taken them home. We sent off Ammaakkaari also to one of our friend's house, because she kept on delivering once in 4 months...phoof!

This is Jinju - Zorro's (known) second wife!
We had seen Jinju, sitting on our compound wall often in the mornings. She was just sitting there, watching the surroundings or dozing till afternoon. Sometimes she used to make some familiar sound, when I went out for plucking flowers in the morning. She was also small-made like Ammaakkaari, when we saw her for the first time.
Once Zorro went missing for 3 days and on the 4th night, came back and asked my husband to open the backyard door (my husband always stands in attention in front of all our pets, whether it was our dog or cats and they used that attitude of his to the hilt! He runs to them to open the door or feed, even when he is watching a 'winning stage' cricket match!). Zorro was standing on the first step, trying to come inside and then my husband saw another cat behind him and it was the one which was sitting on our compound wall! My husband blocked Zorro and said 'nee varathunna vaa, un friend varakkoodathu! (you come inside if you want, your friend should not come in)!' You won't believe, he turned and went off, with the other cat behind him! He came back home after another 2 days, this time alone!
After this incident, the new cat was visible on our compound wall, for another week or so. Then, one day, my husband was standing on the front door steps and the new cat came down from the compound wall and started talking to him. My husband was just watching her. Then she slowly came up, brushed herself on my husband's pant, walked inside the door and my husband turned and saw Zorro standing inside the door, just looking at her! Hmmm...'paavam, irukkattum ithuvum' my husband said (poor thing, let her also be here)! That is how, Jinju settled down in our house! Now she is VERY pregnant and we might have more kittens roaming in our house any day and I can do another 'kitten' post!

This is Zorro and Jinju, relaxing!
I have noticed that the female cats are more ferocious (like female dogs) than their male counterparts. Ammaakkaari used to hit Zorro on his face with her left hand often, when she was bored! Jinju also does it! They do this when Zorro just sits and watch them or when he walks past them! Sometimes they hit him 'tup tup tup' continuously 2-3 times! Zorro just walks off! I have got photographs of Zorro, Ammaakkaari and the black kittens together, in the album of 'Zorro's family'! Have a look and enjoy!

Nero is learning to play guitar, seriously, from his Anna!
More interesting photographs of 'Zorro's family'!
You can also access this album directly and post your comments for each photograph, if you so wish.
Edited to add a new photo of Jinju with her new kittens (18.01.10):
Earlier posts of the kittens!
Lol! Great story, and great photos!
I specially loved the one of Nero learning to play the guitar- such a look of concentration!
Happy Makar-Sankranti/ Pongal!
Sandhya!!!!!!! aiyo!!!! muahs!!!! :D
u just totally made my day with the tales of zorro, ammakaari and those kittens!! and also all the pics!! jinju is a sweetiepie!! :D :D
I had done a post on out pet cat at native place, i will email you the link! :D
the pic of jinju contemplating the meaning of life!! ROFL!! :D
*crafty is going crazy looking at kitty snaps*
Sandhya!!! :D pat them all on my behalf!! and Nero... how good is he at guitar now? tee hee!!!
am off to see the snaps on picasa!!!
Manju: Yes, we miss Nero even now! He was a playful intelligent cat.
Yes, I can celebrate both pongal and Makar Shankranti! Thank you, Manju!
Crafty: I am happy to know that you enjoyed Zorro's family story this much! Thank you from his family and our family together!
Wait till Jinju delivers...one more post on her and her kittens then! Wonder how many colours will be there on them!
This is my first post for 2010! Thank you, Crafty!
Aww such a sweet first post for the yr Sandhya .. u make me adore these kittens like we do with any other kids :) They all look so so cute :)
Wonderful narration and awesome pics :)
Pass them a hug from my side too :)
And gud luck to Wifey2 with the delivery ... wishing her a safe and smooth one :)
And eh, I hv left my comments on Picasa :) Lovely pics :)
Forgot to tell u :) I luv luv luv their names :)
Swaram: You make me really happy with your comments, Swaram! This is first time I am displaying a photo album...my son compelled me/taught me patiently, to do it!
Jinju looks very tired. She is lying down most of the time. Passed on your wishes to her and she said 'meeyaav, thank you'! She has got a soft, perfect ladylike, beautiful voice, not a harsh one like Zorro's! Her other name, till she delivers is, Dummy, 'u' not 'a'!
LOL @ Dummy :P
Thanks for Jinju's meeyaav :)
Nice (real) story. Especially the manner in which the cat communicated about her kittens! And pictures too. And thanks for identifying the bird on my blog.
Very nice story.It is the first of it's kind that I have read.
What a fantastic story and what great pictures... do also apply a white tikka to Zorro !!!!!! :P
Totally loved this post... !!!!
The lil one learning the guitar awesome !!!! this has to be one of the most wonderful posts ever !!!!! too good for words !!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Gr8 photos..hey sorry ya...i am scared of black cats..heheh..and S thanks a tonne 4 yr encourgement friend..:)
couldnt help it, but the whole incident and a few fotos reminded me of this :
check it out; its funny !! :D :D
So, you have more cats than humans in your home, huh ??
and btw, "I have noticed that the female cats are more ferocious (like female dogs) than their male counterparts" ---- this is the same with all the species, especially humans ! :D :D
Hello Sandyaji... Photos are relly lovely. I saw in you house right? also felt the locations of the photos familier where cat is sitting on worktop and in varanda... It took me back in memory lane when I used to come to your home.... sweet memories. Wish will meet again and Zorro's family too...
Radha: Real story is continuing...!
BK Chowla: Thank you, Chowlaji!
hitchwriter: White tikka...great idea! Thank you, Dhiren!
Ramesh: Even after so many years of seeing black cat in our house, my sis in law, runs, when she sees Zorro. He never bothers her, still...
Vimmuuu: Watched the 'you tube' video! It is funny, indeed! Maintaining dogs, is expensive and we have to spare lots of time, taking them for walks, bathing them, brushing them etc. I did with Andy, our dog, he is no more now. Cats don't trouble at all, well...mostly. Ours came to our house without our asking for them and we don't have the heart to shoo them off...so, they are pampered here!
At present 2 cats, 3 humans...next week? Don't know!
Maithreyee: Make a trip here, when you come to India! We would love to meet Sayali!
'- this is the same with all the species, especially humans! :D :D' -
your experience says, so, is it?!!
That was amazing! Poohi and I have been watching the pics spellbound :) Aww, what a lovely cat fanily you have!
We both loved it! I was reading and telling Poohi the story and I think she loved it just as much :) She is not calling her toy cat - Zorro :)
I am waiting to hear of Jinju's kids now :) It sounds so much fun :)
When I was young, every time we went to Kerala - my uncle's cats would have babies and I used to spend hours looking at the tiny kittens with their eyes shut tight :)
I loved this post!
wordsndreamz: Jinju must have delivered after 3 pm - 3 babies, two like her and one with stripes! Is Zorro, the father, I wonder! No jet black kittens or black mixed ones! My husband says that she posed like Zorro's wife and invaded our house, hahaha! Anyway, I just saw her 10 mts. back. Looks tired. Delivered in a wardrobe where I had put some old clothes and showed it to her 2-3 times and she must have understood! Kept some water and mum outside the wardrobe, in case she doesn't want to come down. She was restless from yesterday. From today morning whenever I sat on the sofa, she was sitting on me, asking me to pat her. Thank god, she is OK.
The Bul-bul birds nested again and the babies flew away 2 days back! Feeling happy!
I will post some photos of the baby kittens after 4-5 days. Let them settle down first. They open their eyes after 14-16 days!
Sandhya such an adorable post and I simply lovvvvved the pictures. I loved the way Jinju manipulated your husband and walked into your home and hearts! Look at the way she is sitting!! hahaha.
Loved the velvety black ones too. Awww so cute!
Cats really talk to you when the kittens are in trouble. I have had the experience too.
BTW, Who reads Wodehouse in your home??
Good to know that you enjoyed the photos of our cat-family! My husband and sons read Wodehouse.
Jinju delivered today afternoon, 2 kittens in her colour and one with stripes. Mother and babies are well!
Cute Sandhya. I love the names. Ammaakkari is priceless! My husband used to have a cat called Mahabali. And I used to have a dog called Sheru - short for Sher Khan (from Jungle Book). But it was mostly wishful thinking on my part. Sheru was a real coward!
hey thanks ya
SANDHYA....A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR...i am back but need few days to sort the household,till than take care.I will check the album very soon.
Aww the kittens are so cute!!! I wish I could hold one them! They look adorable! I will show Poohi the pics when she gets back from school - she will be so delighted!
hey, the new arrivals so cute. waiting to see them
Deepa: Sheru must have been like our Zorro - he IS a coward! Mahabali is a new name for a cat!
Kavita: Happy new year and Happy Shankraati to you and your family! Take your time and enjoy our cat-family album!
wordsndreamz: Aren't they cute babies? Poohi will definitely love them!
Sharu: They look more softer in person! Come home and have a feel!
Sandhya you and your family are sweet people.The love and affection u show on animals is wonderful.Huggggs and special hug to uncle.
Wonderful snaps and i loved the names.
varunavi: Thanks Saritha! Remember to show the photographs to Pinkuda and Varunavi!
Sandhya.amazing post..you have written it so well..I am so scared of cats, and here you have a whole family in your house.
Renu: Come home and have a look, you will never be scared of them! They are so adorable! They make us forget our tensions and be happy!
Nice story. Excellent photos. I loved the "This is jinju. Zorro's (known) second wife". Innum niraya chinna veedu irukkum pola irukkay? ha ha ha
Belated Happy Pongal to you and your family.
the story and the pics are the cutest Sandhya:)) just read IHM's heartwarming post today and now yours:)) made my day completely!!:)))
the look of concentration on Neros' face?PRICELESS!:D:D:D:D
LOVE Jinju's pic:)) what a royal pose na?:D:D she is sitting like pampered queen:D:D
She just sat with all the three kittens, licking them and feeding them. Who said that the animals don't talk...Ammaakkaari did talk!
I so agree Sandhya:)
Had read this somewhere and it ha stayed with me since then:)
Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem. ~Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Poo
love you even more for this Sandhya...for in my book anyone who loves animals the way you do has to be a certified good and pure soul:)))
PS:-have to get a picasa account to be able to comment on the album:))
Came back again to show the snaps to pinky,she loved it.She is asking me show it again and again.
Zorro is quite a casanova,huh?? LOL! Thoroughly enjoyed the story. The snaps too were lovely.
I was laughing when I read the part where your husband refused to let him in with his new GF and he just walked away! What attitude!!
I tried blog hopping today after many many days and I'm being treated to some wonderful posts.Couldnt have had a better restart :D
Thank you for sharing,Sandhya :)
WOW!!! What a story and what gorgeous pictures!!! God bless you and your Zorro and his wives and kids :)
Loved every picture - Jinju looks like our Sher Khan... and yes they are smart and do communicate so much if we understand - Ammaakkari must have been so relieved when you dug her baby out from under the sheets!!
You could get Zorro sterilised if you wish - it will mean no more fights with other rivalling tom cats and no more new wives :) A loss of tom-cat-hood is said to add years to their lives :) Our Sher Khan used to spray to mark his territory around the house until the quick, short, easy surgery.
And opening a door by jumping on the handle is absolutely brilliant!! Aren't they smart :)
SG: Aamaam, theriuju rendu pondaatti, theriyaama...?! Thank you, SG.
Indyeah: Yes, Nero's attention did not divert for even a second while I was clicking the photograph. He was a very playful kitten.
Jinju is pampered by everyone in the family. If she ran fast, my husband was worried because she was pregnant...meduva meduva...(slowly, slowly!) he used to say!
I used to talk to my dog and now to these cats too. I don't know if they understand every word, I think they understand our tone/feelings in our voice. Thank you!
Varunavi: I will post more photographs of the tiny kittens after a few days just for Pinkuda!
Deepu: Yes, he did, Deepu! When he didn't turn up the next day, my husband was worried, 'maybe we should have allowed her inside!', he said.
Our sons are grown ups now, these cats are our entertainers! Thank you, Deepu!
IHM: Zorro and his family say 'thanks' to you!
Thanks for the tip about Zorro's family planning! We sterilised Koyla, our first cat after she delivered once. The doctor did hysterectomy when she was still feeding her babies. I felt very bad. I will contact our Vet. for Zorro, tomorrow. Thank you.
He is not opening the door now...he has become a lazy bum now!
thanks again...friend...:)
What a cutie pie promiscuous family! Hahahah
Thanks for the Zorro tale and pictures, Sandhya. Enjoyed reading them with a chuckle.
Hi how r u? wishes
Solilo: Thank you!
I have had the fortune to play with all the kittens (now celebrities) in the photos! :) they are so amazing.
Ashwini: I am going to keep updating the photos in the picassa! When bored, go and have a look and enjoy!
I guess dogs can understand most of what we mean. Cats, I am not sure. Our experience with them came when there were many kids and the bigger cat in our balcony for a week or so. After that, they would all dissappear. I feel strange that any animal would trust the humans at all! Its heartening to note such wonderful attitude towards animals in your family.
Destination Infinity
This post transported me to another world! I so loved the story, and also the pictures. Life is certainly a lovely lovely journey of entertainment and unconditional affection with all of them around, right!
Destination Infinity: Thank you, D.I. My husband used to love dogs and hate cats. Koyla, the first cat changed him!
Usha Pisharody: It is really interesting for me to see these pictures again, Usha! Now, we have got only the older cats! We enjoyed the kittens around us, when they were at home!
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