I feel many of you know me in and out by now...I seem to write about myself a lot! Let me tell you some more things about me, here, since you have asked to do so! Hope it is not boring...
1. I used to climb trees when I was small...small type coconut trees, cashew trees, mango trees etc., which were at home in my grandma's place. Used to jump from heights chasing our dog or calf, which were at home then, to my grandma's horror! Girls were not supposed to run like that in those days! During summer holidays, played cricket with my cousins (all were boys and I was the only girl!), I was mostly like the 12th (wo)man. I did my best in bowling and batting! I taught my sons to play top and marbles!
2. My school, had a nice, big playground and liked playing all games from football (!), tennis, throw ball etc., I was not very good, though! Loved hanging in parallel bars and other exercise gadgets in our school. It was a girls school!
3. Love to READ BOOKS. Used to feel uneasy if I didn't read at least some pages before going to sleep, though the habit is slowing down now.
4. Love all gadgets, camera, cell phones, laptops etc. Dream of driving is not fulfilled, though!
5. I don't use make-up on normal days. Just use minimal make-up for important functions.
6. Not very much interested in jewellery!
7. Interested in discussing about politics. Like to watch news channels than serials!
8. I am not scared of dark and don't get upset easily, if any unusual incident happened. Start thinking about the next step to be taken. But get tensed up for small small things!
9. Love dogs too!
10. I like beige, khaaki colour than pink and I don't hate blue, IHM!
I love cooking, stitching, though not now, hearing melodious music than loud music, kittens, birds, any animal, flowers, butterflies, small babies...
Edited to add (02.07.10): Thanks IHM for this beautiful badge...I am overwhelmed!

Hmmmm, I am done with my tag, now, whom to tag? IHM asks me to tag 12 people (OMG) and she has done that and Smitha tagged the rest! Who is remaining?
'According to IHM, if you read this and you don’t take the tag up , you are, ‘cursed' to wear blue clothes/pants if you are a woman and pink shirts if you are a man – for the next twelve years’!
Let me try to tag these people, whom I think are not yet tagged - it will not come to 12, though and I am ready to do whatever IHM wants me to do for not doing this, huh!
Here’s the rules of the tag – Please list at least ten things you have ever wanted to do or did which your gender is not supposed to. The tag is called ‘My Sins against Gender-Stereotypes’.
Let me give you a treat of a beautiful song for reading about me patiently: