Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wordless Wednesday!




  1. This is beautiful.. is this too in ur garden WOW.. now the flowers i was going ot put dont look this nice :)

    beautiful ..

  2. White petals and yellow buds make awesome combination. I can say that because I have now seen it up close in your photo!

    Destination Infinity

  3. manju: Yes, Manju! If we pluck it, it sleeps immediately, never stays fresh for more than 10 mts. So, I never pluck it even for gods.

    Bikram: Yes, it is in the 'summer flowers' post too, heehee! This is a close-up!

    KParthasarathy: Yes, Partha Sir, thank you!

    Swaram: Thank you, Swaram!

    Destination Infinity: Thank you,D.I.

    BK Chowla: Thank you, Chowlaji!

    Kavita: 100%!

  4. Renu: Thank you, Renu!

    Radha: Butter cup! Click on it and see the minute designs in the petals, I know you will enjoy!

  5. Beautiful flower and also the mushrooms. So nice to see them. But the sad part is neither do we have the time nor patience to watch them..Thank u so much,


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