Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Can't Digest This!

This is another form of animal abuse...poor horse!
(Edited ( 21.7.11): I changed the first line which was not right, whether it is India or Pakistan, animal abuse is prevalent everywhere.)

A horse with a local Pakistani mobile number painted on it is left for rent on a roadside on the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan

I saw this picture here. Feel very sad.

P.S.: You can see beautiful pictures of birds and animals also in the link given above, but this was shocking.



  1. GOD .. someone phone Menaka Gandhi she can talk to her conterpart in Pakistan ..

    that is sick and so bad


  2. Bikram: Yes, that will be nice! Feel sad for the skinny horse.

    Ramesh: ?

  3. Sick and sad :(:(
    Public awareness on animal rights is much needed.

  4. Don't you think its sort of similar with Temple elephants?

    Destination Infinity

  5. hey summa bikramukku hello sonnen ya..of course, this is sick n sad..

  6. No doubt distasteful but this compares favourably with the cruel sight of donkeys in our parts tied tightly in their legs hurting their skin as they amble about or the many young chickens stuffed in wire meshed box on their way to the butcher or hanging upside down on the cycle handle bars.

  7. Kavita: When people are insensitive, public awareness will not help, Kavita...this is applicable here too!

    Destination Infinity: At least temple elephants are fed properly, well, most of them. But I hate chained elephants!

    Ramesh: Oh...! Yes, it is sad indeed!

    KParthasarathy: Yes, what you say is correct. I have seen the chickens taken on roads, like you mentioned. I had seen the donkeys also long back. I don't see any donkeys anywhere now!

  8. You are an animal lover Sandhya! I like animals too. My warmest feelings are reserved for dogs and elephants. But I feel sad when I see animal abuse. I remember when I was studying in Mumbai, I saw a truck carrying buffaloes to the abattoir. They took so defenseless poor things, going to their death.

  9. Radha: Yes, Radha!

    Deepa: I love all animals and birds! Yes, I have seen them on highways. I used to ask my husband to overtake it fast. Can't bear looking at them, looking at us with pleading dead eyes.

  10. Ramesh: Nandringo!

    sm: Yes, still it is difficult to digest when we see them suddenly!

    Kanagu: Yes, very bad!

    A: This is a new type of animal abuse, A!

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