Friday, December 16, 2016

Foto(s) Friday!

Great Egret

Cattle Egrets

Cattle Egrets
Click on the picture to view clearly pl.
This picture is not very clear, so skipped last night...but I love this picture, so it is here now, the next morning!


  1. SG: Thanks for the first comment, SG! We saw these birds on the banks of the Thungabadra river at Gondhi malla, Alampuram, Kurnool. They looked beautiful. Thungabadra and Krishna rivers merge here and it is called 'Pushkar Ghat'. The river was clean here though the bank is full of kadappa stone pieces:( They call this place 'alampur' but in Telugu, it is written as 'alampuram'.

    Other surprises in this area will come later!

  2. wow such nice shots. Reminds me it has been ages since I even opened my camera from its bag :)

  3. Hi My comment is not related to this post. I saw one of your comments about Theosophical society in which you had stated that inside the campus you have attended a wedding. Can you confirm if they actually accept wedding to be done inside their place, in which hall was it happened and whom to contact exactly regarding the plan to have wedding their? I am planning for my wedding in a very cultured way close to nature in Chennai. this is a serious request, if you can help me with minimum information that will be of great help. Thanks

    Kind regards
    Yogesh R

  4. ASHOK: Thank you, Ashok!

    JEEVAN: Thank you, Jeevan!

    AVADA KEDAVARA: Thank you, AK! I am addicted to my camera nowadays!

    YOGESH RAJANANDAM: Welcome to my space, Yogesh!

    The wedding took place many many years back...Please contact them. I don't know if they are still doing it.

  5. Super pics Maami. Ore traveling pole :)

    Destination Infinity

  6. DESTINATION INFINITY: Amaam...road trip! Enjoyed! Thank you!


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