Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunrise Sunday!




  1. Ahhh. Beautiful photos. Here in San Francisco Bay Area, it is pouring rain.

  2. I too want to go to the beach in the early morning to see sunrise. But my sleepy laziness prevents me! :P The shades of red in the pic is very nice :)

    Destination Infinity

  3. SG: Thanks for the first comment, SG! Taken yesterday (Sunday) morning at Elliots beach, Chennai!

    Rain is required there, I was told. Nice.

    DESTINATION INFINITY: Thank you, Rajesh! Yesterday, I saw so many colours here...even maroon was visible! Stayed there longer than our routine time. Felt very happy!

  4. Second one... So picture perfect... Stole my heart!

  5. Brilliant capture over the dawn!! I rarely wake up early in the morning so I completely miss such magnificent sights. Hope you enjoyed

  6. One of your best morning shots, Sandhya! Can I have the second one for my desktop?

  7. LOCO MENTE: Thank you, Loco mente!

    JEEVAN: Mornings are always beautiful! Enjoy sometimes!

    ZEPHYR: Sure, you can have! Thank you, Zephyr!

    sm: Thank you, sm!


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