Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Most Camera Shy Animal In The World!

We had been on a tour to Nagarjuna Sagar, in December, last year (just 2 months back!).  We visited the Sagar and then stayed at the Telangana Govt. Tourism hotel, Haritha Vijay Vihar hotel. It was an OK hotel, but the view of the lake from there was beautiful.  It had swimming pool, gym etc.  You can see them in the link.

The hotel where we stayed.
I and my son had a morning stroll in the garden at the backyard of the hotel.  Fog was there on the lake and the atmosphere was beautiful and serene...The garden had  my favourite sparrows! Some beautiful flowers also were there.

A type of Nandiavattai/Crape Jasmine flower!
I had never seen bougainvillea flowers so closely until I saw them here!
Then we saw these! You know how I am! I am fascinated by everything! Have a look at these!

When we saw these animals first, they were grazing the garbage, making some grunting sounds.  The young ones were running here and there.  But as soon as my son lifted and focused his camera, the big white and black pig was making a grunting sound and all the others stood still! As soon as he lowered the camera, they started grazing again happily, wagging their tiny tails.  Again, son would focus his camera on them 'and as if the big one said 'STATUE', all of them stood still! We did this 3-4 times and then we felt sorry for them and left them alone!

Did the leader say 'STATUE' or 'POSE' (like humans!)
For once, this is a small post!

Edited to add on 5.3.15: Now, it is not going to be a small post!

When I and my son were watching these pigs, we were discussing about another pig incident. (I don't like to call these poor animals as swines! It sounds very insulting!)  It is not their mistake that a fever is named after them.  We should not promote them by leaving wastes like these everywhere.  It is long time since I have seen pigs.  Now, let me write about another character of these animals!

Around 25 years back , when we were in Hosur, we had Andy, a Pomeranian with us.  He used to chase a pig which had tiny piglets with her.  Later on, whenever the mother crossed our house, she used to walk up the steps to our house, stand on them and grunt 5-6 times and then go off.  Andy would be inside the house, barking! I used to watch the pig from our window! She was quite huge! All animals take care of their babies very well, like us humans!



  1. Though short the kink and pictures made up for it.What a beautiful place.Was the food good in the hotel?Why do you say OK?

  2. Funny how they response to the camera :) may be they may know how to react (pose) when a camera is focusing. The hotel outlooks good and beautiful flower photos

  3. I wonder if birds/animals know what we are doing with a camera? Maybe they do!

    Destination Infinity

  4. K PARTHASARATHY: The place was surrounded by trees and it was beside the lake, so, the atmosphere was very good. But like all govt. connected things, food was ordinary, rooms were big with nominal rate, but the tap was leaking...hmmm...we stayed just for a night. The atmosphere/ambience compensated everything.

    Jeevan: Yes, we enjoyed our stay at the hotel because of the green, non-polluted atmosphere. Like us, humans, they went rigid in front of the camera!


  5. And I so glad that everything fascinates you, Sandhya! It must have been hilarious to see the scene of the camera shy pigs :) Do you think they would know that their names are being flung around everywhere what with a flu named after them? :D

  6. Thanks for the excellent post and for sharing these beautiful photos.

  7. ZEPHYR: Poor animals!!!

    SG: Yes, this is an excellent post!!!

  8. As always,pictures are so nice.
    Wait a minute.....I thought only I was camera shy

  9. BK CHOWLA: Hahaha....Are you?!!!

    sm: Thank you, sm!

  10. I went to nagarjuna dam when i was doing my graduation. It was a wrong day and all gates were closed. We didn't see much water.

    Lol pigs too know that they are caught on camera.

  11. Interesting but so not surprising (both the incidents). I have worked with birds and animals and it takes days if not weeks and months of familiarity before they resume their normal behavior even when you focus on them. And as for grudges, pigs are pretty smart. So are rats.

  12. SARITHA: The one hour boat ride was very interesting. We enjoyed...watching the pigs too!!!

    SUBHORUP DASGUPTA: Welcome to my space, Subhorup!

    I have already written about my dog and cats and crows too! One more post is waiting about crows' antics!


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