Friday, April 18, 2014

Foto Friday!


P.S.: Click on the picture to get a better view!


  1. One crow and one koel? Where did you take this pic?

    Destination Infinity

  2. Lovely capture on the black drongo! Wish the crow wasn't in the picture :)

  3. Very nice.
    In fact,Crow is a msg in this picture

  4. Lovely photo..

    is that a Koel.. the other is a crow..


  5. sm: Thank you, sm!

    RHUL BHATIA: Yes, it is, Rahul!

    DESTINATION INFINITY: One crow and one Drongo!

    I took the picture from our terrace...the tree is in the next compound!

    USHA: Yes, Drongo! Thank you!

    JEEVAN: Some more were there just below this crow! I tried my best at least avoid them to come into the focus!

    BK CHOWLA: Thank you, Chowlaji!

    SHAIL: Yessss!

    ASHOK: Thank you Ashok!

    B.: Thank you, Bikram!

    HADDOCK: Yes, the bird looks unique because of that!

  6. The best thing about this photo is the bird sitting on the top is silhouetted against the gray sky!!

    Well captured Sandhyaji!! :)


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