Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wordless Wednesday!




  1. Looking upwards towards the Gods for kindly deliverance !

  2. RAMAKRISHNAN RAMANATHAN: Yes, Ramakrishnan!

    Thank you! This picture was taken at Vedanthangal...we didn't see many of this kind, though!

  3. Maami, you have guts to go so near the monkey and click the photo. Or did you use zoom? :)

    Destination Infinity

  4. K.PARTHASARATHY: Thank you, Partha Sir!

    SWARAM: Yes! Thank you, Swaram!

    SG: Hahaha... Maybe the baby is moving inside!

    RAMA: Yes, she was sitting there calmly, scratching her tummy, like we do, when pregnant!

    DESTINATION INFINITY: Actually, she was sitting on the passage. People were going here and there very near to her. She was not bothered. I took pictures of her sitting there. Then she climbed up and sat level! It was easy to take a close-up picture, then! Poor thing, she has got a lump near her mouth, don't know why it is there. She was harmless!

  5. Hahaha! That's a class capture SandhyaMa. She looks to be saying "Are you people done clicking me? I have other things to do..."


    You should do a caption this photo activity!!!

  6. ASHOK: Yes...this sounds like a caption, Ashok!

    VIDYA: Thank you!

    CRAFTY SHINES: This is a great idea...some comments look like captions here. Let me add them and I have asked for more! Thank you!

  7. BK CHOWLA: This is a first class caption, Chowlaji, thank you!

    KRISHNA: Thank you, Krishna

  8. Sandhya Ji: Wishing you and family a Merry Christmas and Very Happy,Prosperous & Joyous New Year 2014. Best Wishes Ram

  9. ONKAR: Thank you, Onkar!

    RAMAKRISHNAN RAMANATHAN: Thanks a lot Ram! Our best wishes to you and your family too!

  10. I too have pictures of monkeys shot at Vedanthagal at close distance... Well taken :)

    I too wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  11. JEEVAN: Thank you, Jeevan! Best wishes to you too!

  12. Well captured photo :) And very interesting comments here!! :)


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