Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wordless Wednesday!




  1. DEEPS: Thanks Deeps! I have got some good pictures of clouds. This is the first one! No, this is the best...! I will post them in Face book, I think! I too love watching them!

  2. Beautiful photo. Nice clouds. Please tell me is this "kaar kaala megangal" or "kulir kaala megangal"?

  3. USHA PISHARODY: Yes, looks like cotton balls/candies! It would have looked better if the background of the page is a bit dark, I think! It looks better in the picasa! Thank you, Usha!

    SG: I think it should be 'kulir kaala meghangal', since I took it last month! Nowadays summer sets in late here, in Chennai! It was quite a sunny day, though! Thank you, SG!

  4. It is really very pretty. Yes cloud watching and taking cloud pictures are fun, they form so many different shapes, keep us hooked forever.

  5. It's a long time since I saw any cloud-formation from the terrace! BTW, did you take it from your terrace? I like gazing at moon & stars too :)

    Destination Infinity

  6. BK CHOWLA: Yes, Chowlaji, thank you!

    RAMA: Yes, we can keep on watching them!

    DESTINATION INFINITY: Yes, I took it from our terrace. I have got some more pictures of the clouds...all are good! I too like star and moon watching at night! Sometimes we sit there and have dinner...Our first cat Koyla used to love sitting with us when we had dinner there. She loved to eat chapaathis with us!

  7. Wow! nice comparison seeing them as cotton balls!! :)

    To me it looks like clouds are swimming in the sea of blue sky :)

    Cheers :)

  8. SAI CHARAN; Yes, they look like that, Sai!


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