Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wordless Wednesday!




  1. What a charming & chirpy house sparrow. Alas it is fast disappearing from cities due to rising pollution & concrete houses & may soon become extinct.

  2. RAMAKRISHNAN RAMANATHAN: Welcome to my space, Ramakrishnan Sir! You were fast! I clicked 'publish' and next minute, your comment came! Thank you!

    Until a few years back, this was an ordinary house sparrow. We don't see them here in our city, anymore! This was clicked at Rameshwaram! I was so happy to see him! I saw many of them and their chirping was so nice to the ears!

    Thank you, once more!

  3. Sparrows are indeed no longer to be seen anywhere, except inside the Bangalore Airport, where you can see lots of them coming and pecking food near the cafeteria.
    Nice picture. Sparrows are so cute.

  4. nice pic but alas these chirpy little bundles of joy are becoming rare :(

  5. You are lucky you have sparrows around... such a nice pic... even it seems to be silent in respect to wordless wednesday !!!! :P :P

    Unfortunately from around my house... they have disappeared.... sigh...

  6. Sparrows are nowhere to be seen these days. Fond memories of them pecking at grains in the courtyard in my childhood.

  7. a perfect capture .. these species are on the verge of extinction thanks to the pollution in cities and surrounding areas..

  8. The last time I saw any sparrow was in Coimbatore. They used to sit on my bike and fly away when I went near. I do have fond memories of having seen many sparrows in Parrys corner, where my grandparents lived. I don't know if sparrows are there anymore. I guess they might have gone away from large cities.

    Destination Infinity

  9. Nice pic! Yes, sparrows are becoming scarce, particularly in cities.

    The area where I live here in Mumbai has quite a few trees, so we usually wake up to the chirping of sparrows in the morning. :)

  10. What a beautiful capture! I hope more of them come to visit you at Chennai!

  11. RAMA: Yes, they are very cute little birds, Rama! I miss watching them.

    If they are near the airport, it means the cell phone towers must be the culprit, really! They must be happy there.

    ANU: Yes, they are very cute and their sound is cuter!

    AS: Yes, we become happy while watching them! It is many years since we saw them here, in Chennai. I saw one, a lone bird, in Shastri Nagar, a couple of months back. Otherwise they are nearly extinct here in this city.

    Welcome to my space, AS! I love your poetry! You seem to express well, AS and the sketches too!

    K.PARTHASARATHY: Yes, we don't seem to see them nowadays. Thank you, Partha Sir!

    ND 60: Thank you, nd60! He looks so beautiful. I took this picture at Rameshwaram. I don't see them anymore here, in Chennai.

    L.KRUPAA: Yes, we have to live with memories, hereafter. We can't show them to the next generation, Krupaa!

    RAHUL AGGARWAL: Yes, Rahul! They are going away from us now.

    DESTINATION INFINITY: I think so too! Only we, humans can live here, not the lovely birds.

    They used to nest in a carton in our attic, many years back. If we see them flying here and there in our hall, we used to switch off the fan. I used to keep some rice on the dining table for them to eat before I left for my office in the mornings!I love their chirping sounds.

    MANJU JOGLEKAR: When we came to this house 16 years back, the birds used to wake us up with their loud sounds at 3.30 - 4 am in the mornings! But I didn't see any sparrows here even then. Only a little bigger brown sparrow-like birds which are still here, but less in number. I don't hear cuckoo sounds too. We wake up to silent mornings now. Only some crows make sound. I don't know for how long they will tolerate us.

    USHA PISHARODY: No, Usha, I took this picture at Rameshwaram where I went recently! Though we have still got some trees here, birds are slowly leaving us.

    B.K. CHOWLA: Oh, I saw one, a lone bird near the beach, a couple of months back. Should I be grateful for that? It was alone.

  12. I saw so many of them when we visited Anna Hazare's village and my happiness knew no bounds.
    I wish we rectify our unnatural practices, sooner than later!

  13. That's a wonderful capture. I saw many of these sparrows in Bali recently :)

  14. Very nice pic Sandhyaji :) Reminds me of childhood, there used to be so many sparrows chirping, flying around houses every morning and searching for grain :)

  15. while going through this post i can hear the lovely voice of few tiny bird in my backyard....its so soothing at early mornings....

    nice capture Sandhya ji....:)

  16. SWARAM: You are lucky to see them in groups! I did that many years ago!

    How to correct our mistakes? It is worsening day by day! We too contribute to them knowing and unknowingly, Swaram!

    SHAIL: Bali? It might not be having this much pollution and cell phone towers!

    SAI CHARAN: Those days are gone, Sai!

    IRFANUDDIN: Your house must be surrounded by trees, then! Nice to know that, Irfan!

  17. Sparrows have sadly left the cities for people to now play Angry Birds on their gaming devices:(

  18. RAHUL BHATIA: Yes, Rahulji! I notice the other birds too vanishing in our own garden. Feel very sad.

  19. Beautifully captured. Sparrows are becoming rare. In some towns they are extinct.

  20. PN SUBRAMANIAM: I don't see any of them near our house in Chennai any more! I used to see 5 red-vented bulbul birds until a few months back. They had hatched in our house/garden. I did a couple of post on their stage by stage growth. I am seeing a lone bird chirping now for the past one or two months. Don't know what happened to the others. Normally they come in pairs.

    Seeing you after a long time! Felt happy to read your comment Subramaniam Sir!

  21. I went looking for sparrows to post some pictures on the World Sparrow Day and didn't find even one in my new neighborhood :(

  22. INDIAN HOMEMAKER: I used to feed them when I was in Chennai many years back. Then went to Bangalore and Hosur and I was feeding them in all the houses. Even after coming back to Chennai, I was feeding them, a few of them, for some years. I don't know when they stopped coming. I saw just a lone sparrow, in Besant nagar when I went to my yoga class.

    Now, when I saw this at Rameshwaram, I was so happy. I heard their chirpings in the morning in our hotel and my husband and relatives were looking at me funnily for the way I was running out to look at them...It is just a 'kuruvi'...sparrow, they said!


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