Friday, February 1, 2013

Foto Friday!




  1. Nice shot ! :) :) :)

    sorry but I think you should also check my photoblog ! I have a similar shot of a caterpillar there

    the site is

  2. HITCHWRITER: I have seen most of your photos. Are you talking about the caterpillar with fur? I have seen it and commented on it. It is very beautiful! This one hasn't got furs! We call it 'karimani poochchi'! It looks like the black beads, we married women wear!

    I took this photo at Aaththoor! It was a beautiful place!

    Thank you!

  3. It's called karimani poochi is it? I didn't know that. Earlier when we were living in flats, I used to spot them in gardens/open lands, these days I don't remember seeing them at all. Nice pic.

    Destination Infinity

  4. is karimani poochi same as kambli poochi?Harmless it used to be seen everywhere.Good picture

  5. These crawlies make my skin crawl when I see the real ones, but your shot has made it look so beautiful!

    @KP: Kambli poochi is different. It looks like it is wearing a kambli :)

  6. Very pretty, found mostly in gardens, I have seen them a lot. I don't think this is a caterpillar.

  7. DESTINATION INFINITY: One by one all poochchis are leaving our earth! I used to see the smaller version of these worms/insects in our earlier house. They were not this beautiful. This looks beautiful, isn't it?

    KPARTHASARATHY: Kambli poochchi has got fur! We see them mostly on dumstick/murungaikkaai trees! We see them in patches. They too look beautiful, but if one insect touches us, itching starts! This one is harmless, but if we stamp on it (I did sometimes!) the area under the foot starts itching nearly for two days! Nothing happens if they touch us/creep up on our foot!

    ZEPHYR: The place where I saw this is full of greenery. It must have eaten organic food!

    Yes, Kambli poochchi looks as if it is wearing a kambli/woollen rug!

    BKCHOWLA: You leave them alone, they leave us alone! Have you seen 'Gods must be crazy II' this dialogue is famous in that movie!

    KALYAN: Thank you Kalyan!

    RAMA: I too have seen smaller version and plainer version of them. I don't know what to call them...worms or insects or caterpillars!

  8. beautiful pic !

    any idea what do you call caterpillar in Hindi .. am asking because i really don't know what we say it :-)

  9. Lovely pic Sandhya. Now i know the meaning of Karimani Poochchi, its weird why my classmates in school used to call me karimani poochchi. Have to check with them if they remember anything...

  10. Great pic! What lovely shapes and colours we can find in Nature!

  11. RAHUL AGGARWAL: I have no idea, Rahul! Let me ask Manju!

    VARUNAVI: Haha...It looks as if it is a chain of karimani beads, don't you think so? Check it with your friends!

    MANJU JOGLEKAR: Yes, our nature is always beautiful in so many different ways.

    Do you know the name of this insect/worm/caterpillar in Hindi and English? I don't know what to call it!

  12. Thanks for sharing the photo of this beautiful karimani poochil

  13. True, looks like chain of black beads, beautiful combination with smaller yellow discs :)

    Nice Friday photo :)

  14. RENU: Thank you, Renu!

    SM: Thank you, sm!

    SG: Thank you, SG!

    KRISHNA: Yes, Krishna!

    SAI: Thank you, Sai!

  15. I checked with my school mates, i used to have two thin plaits so for them those two plaits resembled karimani poochi...had a good laugh...

  16. UNKNOWN: Hi, it would have been nice to know your name! Welcome here!

    I can imagine about your plaits! I am laughing now!

  17. Sandhya the unknown is me Saritha..I don't now why name is not seen in my previous comment..weird...

  18. VARUNAVI: Your comment is here, Saritha! You were not 'unknown' here. Your name is displayed.


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