Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wordless Wednesday!



  1. I salute your observation and sight :)

  2. KAVITA: Thank you, Kavita!

    Harish: Thank you, Harish!

    VARUNAVI: Thank you, Saritha!

    BIKRAMJIT: Yes, haha!

    PINASHPINASH: Welcome to my space, Pinashpinash!

    When we went to Amaravathi dam, this was sitting on the gate. It looked like a honeybee. It moved, flew a bit and sat back. That is how we noticed. It was around 1 pm and very hot. The gate must have been hot too! Still it was sitting there!

    Thank you!

  3. Very good photo. It's a very difficult capture, considering the size of the honeybee, it's speed and limited optical zoom in cameras.

    Destination Infinity

  4. Superb capture....
    You are an awesome photographer :) :)

  5. Truly words are redundant.You have the 'eye' for the picturusque!!
    Great Job,Sandhya

  6. BK Chowla: Thank you, Chowlaji!

    DESTINATION INFINITY: It was just sitting there in the hot sun without moving. It moved a bit and we noticed. I asked my son to click for my wordless Wednesday, he did laughingly! He has got the advantage of height!

    ASHOK: Son has got height, I asked him to click! The gate was quite high!

    PRASOON: Sorry, it is my son's work! Thank you, Prasoon! Whatever thing is on my eye level or on the ground, I the one I posted last week, the beetle picture!

    KPARTHASARATHY: Thanks! I noticed it first and asked my son to click! The gate was too high!

    MANJU JOGLEKAR: Thank you, Manju!

  7. Wow! Awesome!
    How did he even click this. Kudos!

  8. Wow, that's a good shot!! Is that a cut on it's wing?

  9. SWARAM: Thank you, Swaram! He is quite tall!

    PN SUBRAMANIAN: Yes, Thank you!

    IHM; Yes, IHM! You have got sharp eyes!


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