Monday, December 19, 2011

Award for me!

Thank you, Ashok for the 'Versatile Blogger' Award! I am honoured!

Ashok himself writes about different subjects and he is interested in architecture a lot, which you can find from his posts. He seems to be a good photographer plus a poet.  His sketches also are interesting, one is here, which I liked a lot.

Nice to know you, thank you, once again, Ashok!

P.S.: It is very difficult for me to select and present this award to my friends now. Will take my time, Ashok! I was thinking about the names for a long time and then decided to postpone upto my 300th post?! Forgot in the end to mention, this! (Edited to add at 4 AM, 20.12.11!).


  1. congratulations...and may you have many many more awards in your life :)

  2. Yayyyyyyyy congrats .. you deserve it this blog is indeed a Versatile blog


  3. Congratulations ! You truly deserve this Sandhya .

  4. I am happy for you.
    A well deserved recognition indeed.

  5. Congrats on the award Maami... May you get many more awards like this and pass them on to us also... :)

    Destination Infinity

  6. Congrats again...Take your time, but pass it only to blogs that are really versatile :) Cheers!

  7. BIKRAM: Thank you, Bikram!

    KAVITA: Thank you, Kavita! All of you are inspiring me!

    K.PARTHASARATHY: Thank you, Partha Sir!

    DESTINATION INFINITY: Thank you, D.I.! I am learning a lot by reading your blog, D.I.

    I can't present the award to you again! I drafted this post yesterday itself and was thinking of writing down the names later. Then decided to postpone and present during my 300th post but forgot to mention it, sorry!

  8. ASHOK; Thank you, Ashok! Deciding the names was difficult for me. Will take my time!

  9. congratulations Sandhya! very well deserve it.

  10. It is the content which gets counted.You write so well,awards willkeep coming by.

  11. Congrats Sandhya! Its a deserving honor.Best Wishes

  12. Congrats Sandhya. Reminds me that I have to put up mine too soon! Sigh. Time is at premium these days!

  13. RENU: Thank you, Renu!

    BK CHOWLA: Thank you, Chowlaji for the kind words!

    R.RAMAKRISHNAN: Thank you, Ramakrishnan Sir!

    SHAIL: Thank you, Shail! I know you are very busy with your daughter. You have to wait for some more time, until she grows up! Then other types of mischiefs start!

  14. Congratulations, Sandhya! You are indeed a versatile blogger!

  15. Congratulations :) You indeed are a versatile blogger!

  16. MANJU JOGLEKAR: Thank you, Manju!

    INDIAN HOME MAKER: Thank you, IHM!

  17. Congratulations Sandhya on a well deserved Award. Look forward to your crossing the magical 300th milestone soon.
    Warm Regards & Best Wishes

  18. R.RAMAKRISHNAN: Thank you, for the hearty wishes,Ramakrishnan Sir!

  19. Congratulations Sandhya. You do write on such different subjects that you deserve the award.

  20. RADHA: Thank you, Radha! I admire your posts though you write very rarely. Please write often!


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