Monday, February 28, 2011

Should we laugh at this picture or feel sad...


Ground Reality!

A child tries to make some money with a monkey in tow, even as college students campaign against child labour at the Marina beach recently. How serious are the students? Do they understand this problem or is this campaign just an outing at the beach with friends?

Picture courtesy: The Hindu


  1. I missed this photo on The Hindu! Brilliantly taken. The irony of it is so strong!

    I have seen many kids performing stunts on the beach and roads. It is heartbreaking to think that education is still not a priority among some Indians. Especially the gypsies. There should be a special awareness program targeting them. It is worse when people encourage them by giving them money.

  2. I agree with ashiwini that it is we who encourage them by giving money.

    As for the girls maybe they are not serious about the work they are doing.....

  3. SAD
    and yet we say we are developing so fast FOR WHOM...

    not for this little person


  4. That is so sad. The irony is killing!!!!

  5. As Pallavi has said, the Irony is so stark, and killing!

  6. Well, as they say: A picture speaks a thousand words...

  7. It only proves that we, the system, the intellectuals,the activists are here for lip service only.
    It is a shame on us.

  8. Ashwini: Yes, this is an unusual photograph, which says all, what it wants to say, Ashwini! As soon as I saw this, it hurt me. When will children like the one with the monkey in toe, will join the mainstream, like the other priviledged children?

    I never offer money to beggars, esp. the one with a sleeping child in their waists and with small children surrounding them. Their clan is growing because they are getting easy money from people like us!

    What you say is right, Ashwini, there should be some awareness programme, targeting them. I read somewhere that some graduates are there amidst them now, who are trying to pull them out from this type of nomadic lives. Hope more people from their clan get inspired by these sensible persons.

    Varunavi: The girls don't seem to know what they are doing, or are not interested enough to know about the seriousness of the problem.

    Bikram: Yes, these children are still decades away from leading a normal life like others.

    writerzblock: Yes, Pallavi, it hurts to see this picture.

    Usha Pisharody: Yes, the contrast between the college students and the child is hurting.

    Roshmi sinha: This picture is a true example for that.

    BK Chowla: Yes, Chowlaji! I am not very comfortable knowing the truth too! We are also one among them.

  9. Oh, thats so sad....ppl campaigning abt such serious stuff shld really understand what they are doing...

  10. Brilliant photo, you will not believe, there is a boy working in my SCHOOL as toilet cleaner. |He must be 12 or 13 yrs old.. sad..

  11. Of course, they are on an outing with their friends... The cause is an excuse for that. But at that age, nothing else can be expected of them, anyway.

    I think little bit of action is always better than a hundred marches...

    Destination Infinity

  12. really sad and look at them laughing at the kid :O :(

  13. It's a sad state of affairs indeed. We should have a system were rehab is provided to people on the streets and education / vocational training is given to them.

  14. Swaram: Yes.

    UmaS: They may not have been explained about the problem properly...most of the students are involved in studies and tuition that they just shut their eyes for other things! They are in their own world.


    Destination Infinity: All these girls come from comfortable background and are not used to the harsh reality of life. They just look at the monkey, not at the small child.

    evanescentthoughts: They are also sort of children, AK!

    RGB: These children are used to this type of life. They don't feel comfortable in a confined space, a person who is trying to help these types of children told me, once.

  15. Such irony! A poignant reminder of what the reality is...

  16. I think we get immune to seeing these sort of things - which is the
    real sad part - it is no longer shocking.
    It is a shame on a country like India which is now one of the leading countries in the world to still have this situation being allowed to continue. A country with so many great qualities and historye it is heart wrenching to see that theere is a section of the country that has to send their children to do the begging. I guess the people need to show that they do not want these sort of things anymore and force the government to do something tangible about this - see what happened in Tunisia, Egypt etc People Power really works.

  17. Manju: You are right, Manju

    Raam Pyari: Welcome to my blog, Raam Pyari!

    Apparna: The number one reason for this state is, over population and so no value for human beings. We are so used to seeing others' troubles that we look for some humour in everything.

    It is not that the govt. is not doing anything for these people, they sure are with all corruption mixed in the reforms. But these people are so used to getting easy money. If it is not given to them, slowly they might change and start sending their children to school and make them live with some dignity. So, we are also culprit.

    First, there should be freebees given to them if they undergo sterilization...though it is already there, but not enough to lure these people! Unless they co-operate for reforms, nobody can do anything.

    Nice to see you here, Apparna and thank you!


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