Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Getting old ... HAPPILY...!

I received an email from my niece today.

It was about a 'Friends' Meet' which had some middle aged women and an 80 year old lady. All of them order for their food - the middle aged ladies ordering carefully, food without much calories like salads, sandwiches etc. They were aghast when the 80 year old lady ordered for '2 scoops of chocolate ice cream' and heated ' apple pie'!

The middle aged ladies swallowed down the bland food, watching the old lady gulping down the ice cream and apple pie! When asked if she was not worried about her health, the lady replies...

"I'm tasting all that is Possible. I try to eat the food I need and do the things I should. But life's so short, my friend, I hate missing out on something good. This year I realized how old I was.. (She grinned) I haven't been this old before. So, before I die, I've got to try those things that for years I had ignored.

I have started getting this feeling already! When thinking back, I feel, I had been too strict with myself. I got married quite early, though it was the norm in those days! I continued working for 3 years after marriage i.e. doing the household work, run to the office, work, come back, cook and sleep...again morning cooking..., the routine. Then had two children with 2 years gap. Though life was hectic, I enjoyed this period of life...the school going years of children, the best. I learnt music for 2 years (my passion!) and had good friends to enjoy along with their children. Once the children finished their education and settled down, OK, nearly...I have started feeling bored! Now, I want to change myself!

When we get bored with routine, we tend to forget things...had a good laugh on this subject in the latest post of Deeps and children say that we are repeating things, like in Radha's current post. When I repeat the same news, my son will immediately say 'Maaaa' and I stop in mid-sentence, laughingly...that is a warning that I am repeating myself for the ..th time! I don't think I can change this nature now, planning to just try to think before talking, is it possible?!

I never had much changes in my life. I was always wearing sarees...you won't believe, I started wearing dresses after my second son was born! I had looong thick hair. Wanted to have a short ponytail! One of my close friend cut my hair to one third, saying that I have to do it before I turned 40 and I agreed! It was the talk of the town/family and relatives, in those days!

My husband has placed some plywood piece as partition (net!) on our dining table and plays table tennis with me and my son, after he comes home from office. He was playing with the children till some years back. I have started playing now and enjoying it! Good exercise!

I am not very fond of food, jewellery or too much clothes too! Love travelling and visiting different places, which I hope I will be doing in the future. My husband seems to like travelling and touring nowadays. Son too wants me to go out of the house often and enjoy! Wonder how my life would be after another 5 years! Unpredictable!

So it will be fun even if I am to see myself to my 80's - a long long way to go, though!


  1. lovely post Sandhya !..whenevr I go home, my mom tells me the same anecdotes and stories may be 10 times in every trip,so till now I have heard hundred times, though I get bored , but I never correct her, wheres my children do so if I repeat anything even twice:)

  2. Its all in the mind for sure .. luv the spirit in the post Sandhya :)

  3. Very well written sandhya.I agree to what u say,we have to enjoy life now,who knows what happens in future.

    My mom also repeats the same thing on phone,i don't tell her if she is talking on the local call,it is international call she tells the same thing,i will listen to her 3-4 times,then when she starts telling me,i tell her.Then she asks me how i know it.She never says i forgot that i told u this before.

  4. LOL, half of our lives we spend thinking that we are getting old! Dont worry, your mind gets young as you get older. and you still have a loong loong way to go young ! :D :D

  5. Renu: Life is a vicious cycle...hahaha!

    Swaram: My mother was a cricket addict and TV serial, movie addict till she expired when she was 74! She used to play cards with us too! Yes, it is our mind whether FEEL young or old, Swaram!

    Varunavi: Everyone's mother seems to be doing the same! We have to take it in our stride, I think, right?

    Vimmuuu: I seem to come across posts and now email, about getting old! So wrote this post!

    I will feel young at 80 too, if I am surrounded by young people of our blog samaaj, like you, Smita etc.! I enjoy reading your posts! And I don't feel my age at all...people who know me, tell me!

    One of the main booster in my life is music!

  6. Lovely post.
    My mother is 74 and she still has that joie de vivre. She loves to eat out, go for saree shopping and plays with my kids. She is enjoying her life to the fullest and I hope I will be like that when I am her age.

  7. S what a beautiful post ya..enjoyed reading this:)

  8. That was such a beautiful post!

    We are as old as we feel, I guess :) I have seen people in their 60s, 70s more active and enthusiastic than people in their 20s :)

  9. Wow!! That's the spirit :-) You've inspired me too Sandhya :-) Lemme go do some shopping today :-))))

  10. Thanks for the mention Sandhya.
    I too feel the same. I have no problems getting older. You go through a brief phase in mid 30s when it worries you, but then there are more things to look forward to. And I even feel younger now - thanks to my two daughters . I have shoulder length hair that I tie up, and I have vowed to cut it really short - not for style - but I think it is easy to manage. And yes, I only want to travel and see some of the world that I watch otherwise on Travel&Living! And it is nice knowing through various blogs that I am not very different from others!

  11. Really wonderful post with full of positive spirit :) :) loved reading this...

  12. Why do you say you're a person who has not made many changes? Wearing dresses, cutting your hair! I think you've done some very cool stuff at a time when I'm sure women didn't try such stuff. And Blogging?! Though I'm no expert, not many women with your profile are into blogging I think. :) I wish more women of your generation were like you.

    All the best for all the wonderful exicting stuff that lies ahead of you Sandhya.

  13. Sandhya,lovely post!

    In my case, it's exactly opposite. I repeat a lot of stories and my mom listens to all. Mom and I still go through same old stories from childhood. I love it.

  14. Aparna: It is nice to watch happy people, Aparna! My mother and grandmother, both were very active until they were very old and were favourites of their grand children.

    You are going to be like your mother. You are writing so well and your active mind will keep you active physically too, Aparna.

    Ramesh: Thank you, Ramesh!

    wordsndreamz: Children of 20s don't have much responsibility, that might be the reason. Yes, we will be like we want us to be!

    writerzblock: That is the SPIRIT...looking for a reason to go shopping!

    Radha: Meeting like-minded people is the main advantage of blogging, Radha! I have changed a lot, after I started blogging and reading other's blogs. This is a nice outlet for us, I feel.

    Kanagu: Thank you!

    Deepa: Thank you, Deepa! I started blogging because of my son's nagging me to start writing!Otherwise, I would have just read books and magazines and forgotten! This way, I will remember what I read, for a long time.

    Solilo: Thank you, Solilo! My son too remembers a lot of happenings in his childhood, but boys will let them out very rarely, unlike girls!

  15. It goes on. I repeat exactly what my mother repeated to me a number of times.Accept it

  16. Beautiful post, Sandhya!

    Feeling old is a state of mind, isnt it? Live life to the fullest, that should be everyone's motto. Its inspiring when people like the 80year old lady you mentioned, follow that motto and make their lives so much more worthwhile.

  17. aiyooo..where did the comment i just posted go...anywy...best wishes S:)

  18. BK Chowla: What your mother says is right, Chowlaji! We have to accept it and I am doing it!

    Deeps: Yes, Deepu! There is no meaning in brooding. We must do our best to be happy with ourselves always.

    Ramesh: Thank you, Ramesh!

  19. good.. you can join me here in Kerala now and we all can go around kerala[God's own country] and have fun. This will make you feel 20 yrs younger..

  20. Age certainly is only a state of mind... !!!

    when we are enjoying we dont feel it.. but when we are bored... suddenly it feels old !! :P

  21. Sharu: Reading your comment itself made me 20 years younger!

    hitchwriter: Haha, yes, Dhiren.

  22. When i see women like you ,my mom and my ma-in-law...i get all inspired and motivated.In my heart i know i will never reach that level,like you girls have done.My big salute to you.

  23. kavita: You are really embarassing me! I am a normal person. We just manage our family, which we thought was full-time job. It is nothing when I see you girls managing work and family, so well! I admire you working girls!

  24. very nice post maami! :) I'd like to say one thing. I think you will always ALWAYS stay young at heart, no matter how old you get :) Which is the most important thing. I know some twenty year olds who feel and act old! So it is all in the mind. have fun :)

  25. For example: Best example Rajaram thatha :)

  26. Ashwini: When I have got a niece like you, who pampers me like this, I will always be young, Ashwini, thank you!

    No one can beat your thaaththa...he is not in his 80's but 50's or 40's!


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