Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monkeys teach infants how to floss and us too!

I seem to be writing about people who are and were in politics, maybe because of the election fever. I think, today I will make my readers to smile for a change! My son had sent this video link today. I don't think this needs any synopsis! I enjoyed reading the article along with it. Now, the article:

Monkeys teach infants how to floss:

Did you enjoy?!


  1. wow Sandhya:) this is amazing:)

    Monkeys seem to be ebtter than us:)

  2. Renu & Varunavi: Both of you have got the same thought!!!

    Yes, you are right!

    Thank you to both of you!

  3. Actually whenever I visit Dentist with my daughter, she enjoys this video but it totally disgusts me.

  4. smita: Yes, It is unbelievable! Thank you.

    mesoliloquy: It must be interesting for the kids, than the mothers, then, right?!! Thank you.


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